Programming Notes – Assignment Statement Theorems



In the axiom and theorems that follow r is the relation formed between the initial state and resulting state on the activation of the assignment statement ‘x := E’.



Axiom 1: s (x := E) t º t = {<’x’,E[s]>,<’y’,Sy>,×××,<’z’,Sz>}

   s (x := E) t º t = {<’x’,E[s]>,(,i|1£i£m:<’t.i’,Ss.i>)}



Theorem 1: s (x := E) t Þ t Î R º s Î R[x := E]

(given s (x := E) t, prove LHS º RHS)

      t Î R

º(Program State Part 1 Theorem 4)


=(Axiom 1)


=(Program State Part 1 Theorem 5)


=(corresponding variables are equal)


=(Program State Part 1 Theorem 1)


=(Program State Part 1 Axiom 5)


=(Program State Part 1 Theorem 3)

      R[x := E][s]

º(Program State Part 1 Theorem 4)

      s Î R[x := E]

End of Proof


Corollary: s (x := E) t Ù s Î R[x := E] Þ t Î R

(Theorem 1)

s (x := E) t Þ t Î R º s Î R[x := E]

Þ(weakening of equivalence)

s (x := E) t Þ (s Î R[x := E]Þ t Î R)


s (x := E) t Ù s Î R[x := E]Þ t Î R

End of Proof


Corollary: s (x := E) t Ù t Î R Þ s Î R[x := E]

(Theorem 1)

s (x := E) t Þ t Î R º s Î R[x := E]

Þ(weakening of equivalence)

s (x := E) t Þ (t Î R Þ s Î R[x := E])


s (x := E) t Ù t Î R  Þ s Î R[x := E]

End of Proof



Theorem 2: ran.(x := E).R[x :=E] Í R

(Í is reflexive)

      ran.(x := E).R[x :=E] Í ran.’x := E’.R[x :=E]

º(definition of Í)

      ("t| t Î ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]: tÎran.’x := E’.R[x :=E])

º(definition of ran.r.R)

      ("t| t Î ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]:

tÎ{b|($a|:a (x := E) b Ù a Î R[x :=E]):b})

º(definition of Î)

      ("t| t Î ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]:

($b|($a|:a (x := E) b Ù a Î R[x :=E]):b=t))

º(one point rule)

      ("t| t Î ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]:

($a|:a (x := E) t Ù a Î R[x :=E]))

Þ(Corollary to Theorem 1)

      ("t| t Î ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]:($a|: t Î R))

º(false Ú P ºP, distribute Ú over $)

      ("t| t Î ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]: t Î R Ú($a|: false))

º(trading, empty range, false Ú P ºP)

      ("t| t Î ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]: t Î R)

º(definition of Í)

      ran.(x := E).R[x :=E] Í R

End of Proof


Theorem 3: (R[x :=E] Ç dom.(x := E)) {x := E} R

(Given S(x := E), the proof uses the concept (True Þ P) º P)

(Theorem 2)

ran.(x := E).R[x :=E] Í R

º(Weakest Liberal Precondition Theorem 1)

R[x :=E] Í WLP.(x := E).R

Þ(P Í Q Þ P Ç R Í Q Ç R)

R[x :=E] Ç dom.(x := E) Í WLP.(x := E).R Ç dom.(x := E)

º(Weakest Liberal Precondition Theorem 2)

R[x :=E] Ç dom.(x := E) Í WLP.(x := E).R Ç T.(x := E)

º(Weakest Precondition Axiom 1)

R[x :=E] Ç dom.(x := E) Í WP.(x := E).R

º(Weakest Precondition Axiom 2)

(R[x :=E] Ç dom.(x := E)) {x := E} R

End of Proof


Theorem 4: dom.(x := E) = U Þ R[x :=E]  {x := E} R

(Given dom.(x := E) = U, prove that the Hoare triple is true.)

(Theorem 3)

(R[x :=E] Ç dom.(x := E)) {x := E} R


(R[x :=E] ÇU) {x := E} R

º(identity of Ç)

R[x :=E] {x := E} R

End of Proof


Theorem 5: dom.(x := E).R Í R[x := E]

(Í is reflexive)

      dom.(x := E).R Í dom.(x := E).R

º(definition of Í)

      ("s| sÎ dom.(x := E).R: s Î dom.(x := E).R)

º(definition of dom.r.R)

      ("s| sÎ dom.(x := E).R:

sÎ{a|($b|:a (x := E) b Ù b Î R):a})

º(definition of Î)

      ("s| sÎ dom.(x := E).R:

($a|($b|:a (x := E) b Ù b Î R):a=s))

º(one point rule)

      ("s| sÎ dom.(x := E).R:

($b|:s (x := E) b Ù b Î R))

Þ(Corollary to Theorem 1)

      ("s| sÎ dom.(x := E).R:($b|: s Î R[x := E]))

º(false Ú P ºP, distribute Ú over $)

      ("s| s Î dpm.(x := E).R: s Î R[x := E] Ú($b|: false))

º(trading, empty range, false Ú P ºP)

      ("s| s Î ran.(x := E).R: s Î R[x := E])

º(definition of Í)

      dom.(x := E).R Í R[x := E]

End of Proof


Theorem 6: R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E) Þ

R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E).R

 (Given R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E), prove LHS Í RHS,

 the proof uses the concept (True Þ P) º P)

(Theorem 2)

      ran.(x := E).R[x :=E] Í R

Þ(Relations Part 1 Theorem 2)

      dom.(x := E).(ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]) Í dom.(x := E).R

º(given, Relations Part 2 Theorem 15, identity of Ù)

R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E).(ran.(x := E).R[x := E]) Ù

            dom.(x := E).(ran.(x := E).R[x :=E]) Í dom.(x := E).R

Þ(transitivity of Í)

R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E).R

End of Proof


Theorem 7: R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E) Þ R[x := E] = dom.(x := E).R

(Given R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E), prove LHS = RHS)

(given, Theorem 6)

      R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E).R

º(Theorem 5, identity of Ù)

      R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E).R Ù dom.(x := E).R Í R[x := E]

º(P Í Q Ù Q Í P º P = Q)

      R[x := E] = dom.(x := E).R

End of Proof


Theorem 8: R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E) Þ R[x := E] = WP.(x := E).R

(Given R[x := E] Í dom.(x := E), prove RHS = LHS)

      WP.(x := E).R

=(Weakest Precondition Theorem 6)

      cond.(x := E).R

=(Set Condition definition 1)

      dom.(x := E).R – dom.(x := e).~R

=(given, Theorem 7)

      R[x := E] - ~R[x := E]

=(A - ~A = A)

      R[x := E]

End of Proof


Theorem 9: Given K is a constant of consistent type for Prog.x,

      U {x := K} {State.s|: Prog.x = K} 

(Given K is a constant of consistent type for Prog.x. 

Then the dom.(x := K) = U)

(Theorem 4)

      {State.s|: Prog.x = K}[x := k] 

{x := K}

      {State.s|: Prog.x = K}


      {State.s|: K = K} {x := K} {State.s|: Prog.x = K}

º(equality is reflexive)

      {State.s|: true} {x := K} {State.s|: Prog.x = K}

º(Universal set)

      U {x := K} {State.s|: Prog.x = K}

End of Proof


Theorem 10: Given K is a constant of consistent type for Prog.x,

      WP.(x := K).{State.s|: Prog.x = K} = U 

(Given K is a constant of consistent type for Prog.x) 

      WP.(x := K).{State.s|: Prog.x = K}

=(Theorem 8)

{State.s|: Prog.x = K}[x := K]


 {State.s|: K = K}

=(equality is reflexive)

 {State.s|: true}

=(Universal set)


End of Proof


Theorem 11: E is a function over the weakest precondition Þ {x := E} is a function over the weakest precondition.

(given s Î WP.{x := E} Þ s {x := E} t Ù s {x := E} r, the variable x is represented by variable t.0, r.0,

 prove that t = r)

(given, axiom 1)

t = {<’t.0’,E[s]>,(,i|1£i£m:<’t.i’,Ss.i>)}

º(Program State Part 1 Axiom 4)

      Tt.0 = E[s] Ù ("i|i£1£m: Tt.i = Ss.i)

(given, axiom 1)

r = {<’r.0’,E[s]>,(,i|1£i£m:<’r.i’,Ss.i>)}

º(Program State Part 1 Axiom 4)

      Rr.0 = E[s] Ù ("i|i£1£m: Rr.i = Ss.i)

º(combine expressions, Ù distributes over ")

      Tt.0 = E[s] Ù Rr.0 = E[s] Ù ("i|i£1£m: Tt.i = Ss.i Ù Rr.i = Ss.i)

º(E is a function over the weakest precondition)

      Tt.0 = Rr.0 Ù ("i|i£1£m: Tt.i = Ss.i Ù Rr.i = Ss.i)

º(= is transitive)

      Tt.0 = Rr.0 Ù ("i|i£1£m: Tt.i = Rr.i)

º(Program State Part 1 Axiom 4)

      t = r

End of Proof




Dijkstra, Edsgar, 1976, A Discipline of Programming, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall


Fejer, Peter A., 1991, Mathematical foundations of computer science, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag


Gries, David, 1981, The Science of Programming, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag


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