Programming Notes – Program States, Part 1


Definition 1: Point s = {<’x’,Sx>,<’y’,Sy>,×××,<’z’,Sz>}

              Point s = {i|0£i£m:<’s.i’, Ss.i>}


Definition 2: s is an arbitrary point º s = {<’x’,x>,<’y’,y>,×××,<’z’,z>}

                                      º s = {i|0£i£m:<’s.i’,s.i>}


Axiom 1: P[s] = P[s.var.list := s.expression.list]

         P[s] = P[(,i|0£i£m:s.i) := (,i|0£i£m:Ss.i)]



Definition 3: P[substitution 1][substitution 2] = (P[substitution 1])[substitution 2]


Axiom 2: Ss.k = s.k Ú (ØOccurs(s.k, P) Ú ("i|0£i£m Ù i¹k: ØOccurs(s.k, Ss.i) Ù ØOccurs(s.i, Ss.k)) Þ

            P[s] = P[s.k := Ss.k][(,i|0£i£m Ù i¹k:s.i) := (,i|0£i£mÙi¹k:Ss.i)]


Axiom 3: {<’x’,Sx>,<’y’,Sy>,×××,<’z’,Sz>}[t]

= {<’x’,Sx[t]>,<’y’,Sy[t]>,×××,<’z’,Sz[t]>}

      {i|0£i£m:<’s.i’, Ss.i>}[t] = {i|0£i£m:<’s.i’, Ss.i[t]>}



Axiom 4: p=s º ("i|0£i£m:Ss.i = Pp.i)


Axiom 5: P[t[s]] = P[t][s]


Theorem 1: s[t] = {i|0£i£m:<’s.i’,Ss.i[t]>}


(Prove LHS º RHS)


º(Definition 1)


º(Axiom 3)


End of Proof


Theorem 2: s is an arbitrary point Þ P = P[s]

(From Axiom 1 and s is arbitrary, P[s] = P[(,i|0£i£m:s.i) := (,i|0£i£m:s.i)]

 prove  by induction P[(,i|0£i£m:s.i) := (,i|0£i£m:s.i)] = P for all m)


Part 1: prove for m < 0

P[(,i|0£i£m:s.i) := (,i|0£i£m:s.i)]

=(m<0, algebra)

P[(,i|false:s.i) := (,i|false:s.i)]

=(empty range)

=(m<0, algebra)


End of Part 1 Proof


Part 2: Suppose true for m=n, prove for m=n+1)

P[(,i|0£i£n+1:s.i) := (,i|0£i£n+1:s.i)]

=(Axiom 2)

P[s.(n+1) := s.(n+1)][(,i|0£i£n:s.i) := (,i|0£i£n:s.i)]

=(definition 3, P[x := x] = P)

P[(,i|0£i£n:s.i) := (,i|0£i£n:s.i)]

=(true for m=n)


End of Part 2 Proof

End of Proof


Theorem 3: P[<’x’,E>,(,i|1£i£m:<’s.i’,s.i>)] = P[x := E]

(Prove by induction)


Part 1: Prove for m=0


=(axiom 1)

P[x,(,i|1£i£0:s.i) := E,(,i|1£i£0:s.i)] 


P[x,(,i|false:s.i) := E,(,i|false:s.i)] 

=(empty range)

P[x := E] 

End of Part 1 Proof


Part 2: Given true for m=n, prove true for m=n+1


=(Axiom 1)

P[x,(,i|1£i£n+1:s.i) := E,(,i|1£i£n+1:s.i)]

=(axiom 2) 

P[s.(n+1} := s.{n+1}][x,(,i|1£i£n:s.i) := E,(,i|1£i£n:s.i)]

=(P[x := x] = P, definition 3)

P[x,(,i|1£i£n:s.i) := E,(,i|1£i£n:s.i)]


P[x := E]

End of Part 2 Proof

End of Proof



Theorem 4: s Î P º P[s]

(prove LHS º RHS)

      s Î P

º(definition of P)

      s Î {x|P:x}

º(definition of Î)


º(x is arbitrary, Theorem 2)


º(one point rule)


End of Proof


Theorem 5: Let x be a program variable.

            x[t] = Tx

(Let x be the variable t.m, Prove that

x[(,i|k£i£m:t.i) := (,i|k£i£m:Tt.i)] = Tx

for all 0£k£m.  Prove by induction)


Part 1: Prove for k=m

x[(,i|m£i£m:t.i) := (,i|m£i£m:Tt.i)]


x[(,i|m=i:t.i) := (,i|m=i:Tt.i)]

=(one point rule)

x[t.m := Tt.m]

=(given x = t.m)

x[x := Tx]



End of Part 1 Proof


Part 2: Given true for k=n<m, prove for k=n-1

x[(,i|n-1£i£m:t.i) := (,i|n-1£i£m:Tt.i)]

=(n<mÞØOccurs(t.n-1,x), Axiom 2)

x[t.(n-1) := Tt.(n-1)][(,i|n£i£m:t.i) := (,i|n£i£m:Tt.i)]

=(ØOccurs(x,P) Þ  P[x := Q] = P)

x[(,i|n£i£m:t.i) := (,i|n£i£m:Tt.i)]



End of Part 2 Proof

End of Proof



Theorem 6: Let t be a point, and let s be an arbitrary point.

            t[s] = t


=(Theorem 2, s is arbitrary)


End of Proof


Theorem 7: Let t be a point, and let s be an arbitrary point.

            s[t] = t


=(Theorem 1)


=(s is arbitrary)


=(Theorem 5)


=(corresponding variables are equal)


=(Definition 1)


End of Proof


Theorem 8: U = {s|true:s}

(º is reflexive)

      ("s|:xÎU º xÎU)

º(membership of Universal set)

      ("s|:xÎU º true)

º(Constant at any point = constant)

      ("s|:xÎU º true[s])

º(Theorem 4)

      ("s|:xÎU º s Î {s|true:s))

º(Set equality)

      U = {s|true:s)

End of Proof


Theorem 9: Æ = {s|false:s}

(º is reflexive)

      ("s|:xÎƺ xÎÆ)

º(membership of Null set)

      ("s|:xÎƺ false)

º(Constant at any point = constant)

      ("s|:xÎƺ false[s])

º(Theorem 5)

      ("s|:xÎƺ s Î {s|false:s))

º(Set equality)

      Æ = {s|false:s)

End of Proof






Dijkstra, Edsgar, 1976, A Discipline of Programming, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall


Ganong, Rick 1999, Course notes and comments from M1090 and M2090 math and logic courses,


Gries, David and Schneider, Fred B., 1993, A Logical Approach to Discrete Math, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag


Winskel, Glynn 1993 The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages: An Introduction, Cambridge, MA The MIT Press