Programming Notes – Quantifying Sequences



Let r and s be two program statements.  The statement sequence




is also a program statement.  For an introduction to program statement sequences, see Statement Sequences.


Sequence as Operator

The sequence operator (;} combines two program statements to form a new program statement.  The new program statement may be used as a part of a program solution as described in Weakest Preconditions and in Programming Solutions



Quantification of sequences

A sequence of may contain more than two program statements, and some program sequences may contain zero program statements.  In both cases, a quantifying expression may be appropriate.


      sequence = (;x|E:r[x])


The expression E defines the scope of the quantifying variable x.  The expression r[x] represents either a program statement or a predicate.  The variable x often represents the ordinal value of the expression r[x].  Program sequences are enclosed in braces {} instead of parentheses.  In the sequence expression




the third statement in the sequence may be represented as r[2].


Properties of Program Sequences

The properties of program sequences correspond to the properties of program solutions in the form of Hoare Triples and weakest preconditions.


The program sequence operator has an identity as shown in Program Skip Theorem 5 and 6.  The program sequence is associative as shown in Program Sequence Theorem 8.  The program sequence is not symmetric, and many properties of quantifying statements do not apply.  Because the program sequence is not symmetric, maintaining ordinality of each program statement in the sequence is important, for example.  Similarly, distributive rules do not, in general, apply because program statement ordinality would be affected.


A quantifying statement of the form




is appropriate, because the quantifying variable i determines ordinality of B[i].


Empty Range Rule

The empty program statement ‘  ‘ may be represented by the quantifying statement


      Null = (;x|false:B[x]).


A quantifying statement with an empty range is equivalent to the identity value, so a program statement sequence over an empty range is equivalent to the skip statement.


Axiom 1: P {skip} R º P {(;x|false:B[x])} R


Split Range

A program sequence may be split into smaller sequences as long as the ordinality is maintained and no duplication of program statements occurs.


Axiom 2: (RÇS = ÆÙ (iÎR Ù jÎS º B[i]<B[j])) Þ

(;x|RÈS:B[x]) = (;x|R:B[x]);(;x|S:B[x])



Suppose that RÈS = m£i£n, and the integer k is such that m£k£n.  Then


      (;|m£i£n:B[i]) = (;|m£i£k:B[i]);(;|k<i£n:B[i])


One-Point Rule

When the quantifying variable points to one state, that state determines the program statement.


      Axiom 3: P {(;x|x=E:B[x])} R º P {B[E]} R



Activation of a quantifying statement

Program statements may be activated.  Thus




represents the activation of the six program statements


      A(r[0]; r[1]; r[2]; r[3]; r[4]; r[5]).


The activation of a statement sequence should be the successive activation of each statement.  So activation should distribute over the sequence operator.


Axiom 4: A((;x|E:r[x])) º (;x|E:A(r[x]))



Program Statement Theorems

The skip statement is the program sequence identity.  A sequence of skip statements should be equivalent to one skip statement.


Theorem 1: P {(;x|m£x£n:skip)} R º P {skip} R


Program Sequence Theorem 4 may be generalized so that it applies to a sequence containing more than two statements.


Theorem 2: ("n|k£n: ("i|k£i£n: H[i-1] {r[i]} H[i]) Þ

            H[k-1] {(;i|k£i£n: r[i])} H[n] 


Program Sequence Theorem 11 may be generalized so that it applies to a sequence containing more than two statements.


Theorem 3: ("i|k£i£n:("B|("A|A {r[i]} B º A {s[i]} B:A):B)) Þ

      ("B|("A|A {(;i|k£i£n:r[i])} B º A {(;i|k£i£n:s[i])} B:A):B)

A special case of Theorem 3 occurs when each program statement r[i] represents the same program statement r, and each program statement s[i] represents the same program statement s.


Theorem 4: ("B|("A|A {r} B º A {s} B:A):B) Þ

      ("B|("A|A {(;i|k£i£n:r)} B º A {(;i|k£i£n:s)} B:A):B)




The evaluation of the Hoare Triple


      P {(;i|0£i£n:x := x+1)} R


uses the sequence quantification axioms and the principles of induction. The evaluation relies on the solution to the assignment statement as shown in Assignment Statement Theorem 3 and the solution to a sequence as shown in Program Sequence Theorem 4.

The program sequence suggests the solution


      P {(x := x + n + 1)} R


First, evaluate the Hoare Triple for case n=0.


      P {(;i|0£i£0:x := x+1)} R


P {(;i|i=0:x := x+1)} R

º(one point rule)

      P {x := x+1} R


      P {x := x+0+1} R


The solution for (x := x+1) is:


      R[x := x+1] {x := x+1} R


The corresponding solution for (;i|0£i£k:x := x+1) is, according to the induction assumption:


      R[x := x+1][x := x+k+1] {(;i|0£i£k:x := x+1)} R[x := x+1]


Suppose R = {the assignment value is x}.


Evaluation of R[x := x+1][x := x + k + 1]:


R[x := x+1]= {the assignment value is x+1}

R[x := x+1][x := x + k + 1]= {the assignment is x+k+1+1}


The evaluation of R[x := x+1][x := x + k + 1] yields the expected result.




Show that the statement


      P {(;i|0£i£n:x=x+x)} R


is equivalent to


      P {x := 2(n+1) * x} R





Dijkstra, Edsgar, 1976, A Discipline of Programming, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall


Fejer, Peter A., 1991, Mathematical foundations of computer science, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag


Gries, David, 1981, The Science of Programming, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag


Gries, David and Schneider, Fred B., 1993, A Logical Approach to Discrete Math, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag Chapter 2 contains an excellent description of boolean operations in JavaScript.